#大館見:節目預告30/8 – 5/9】
1. 「見見面」中環社區導賞團:想親身跟《大館一百面》受訪街坊對話,從他們口中聽到更多故事?參加導賞團,到訪區內老店,與他們見見面吧!
2. 「午間表演」:近期熱播的流行曲《天衣》,創作靈感其實源自進駐了大館的阮氏洋服。歌手王嘉儀及李拾壹將來到這裡,為你演唱這首歌及其他流行、騷靈曲目!
3. 「MOViE MOViE盛夏藝術祭:《非常林奕華舞台映画:梁祝的繼承者們making of》放映及講座」:林奕華的舞台映畫回來了!你不但能看到絕密幕後花絮,更能聽到林奕華大談舞台映畫背後你不知道的事!
4. 「香港小交響樂團 — 樂在咫尺:作曲大師麥米蘭」:香港小交響樂團邀得大師首度來港演出,在此之前他將現身大館,與樂迷近距離見面,與樂團首席格德霍特大談創作背後的種種,分享他的真知灼見!
#SeeYouatTaiKwun: 30 Aug – 5 Sep
1. “‘Say Hi! to the Faces’ Guided Tours of the Central Community”: Embark on a journey to explore the stories of “100 Faces of Tai Kwun” and visit old shops in the Central neighbourhood. Don’t forget to say “hi!” to the kaifongs!
2. “Lunchtime Series”: Come listen to a series of pop and soul music including “天衣” — a latest release inspired by Yuen’s Tailor now at Tai Kwun — performed by Subyub Lee and Sophy Wong!
3. “MOViE MOViE ELDT on Screen: Art School Musical Making of Screening & Artist’s Talk”: Save the date for our making-of screening and meet acclaimed theatre director and local playwright Edward Lam!
4. “Hong Kong Sinfonietta – UpClose Encounters: Chamber Music & Dialogue with Sir James MacMillan”: Join us for an up-close encounter with Sir James alongside Hong Kong Sinfonietta Concertmaster James Cuddeford as they give invaluable insights into their musical experiences!
Click on the links below to discover more!